AIDA 2016 a 2025.
AIDA 2016-2025. Update: Italy, Malta & Spain.
- Country Report: Austria.
- Country Report: Bulgaria.
- Country Report: Germany.
- Country Report: Greece.
- Country Report: Ireland.
- Country Report: Hungary.
- Country Report: Italy.
- Country Report: Malta.
- Country Report: Netherlands.
- Country Report: Spain.
- Country Report: Sweden.
- Country Report United Kingdom.
- Country Report: Portugal.
- Country Report: France.
AIDA 2017-2018:
- Country Report: Switzerland.
- Country Report: France.
- Country Report: Croatia.
- Country Report: Romania.
- Country Report: Austria.
- Country Report United Kingdom
- Country Report: Slovenia
- Country Report: Spain.
- Country Report: Italy.
- Country Report: Turkey.
- Country Report: Greece.
- Country Report: Sweden.
- Country Report: Belgium.
- Country Report: Netherlands.
- Country Report: Germany.
- Country Report: Ireland.
- Country Report: Turkey.
- Country Report: Hungary.
- Country Report: Cyprus.
- Country Report: Portugal.
AIDA 2018-2019:
- Country Report: Alemania.
- Country Report: Austria.
- Country Report: Bélgica.
- Country Report: Bulgaria.
- Country Report: Chipre.
- Country Report: Croacia.
- Country Report: España.
- Country Report: Francia.
- Country Report: Grecia.
- Country Report: Hungria.
- Country Report: Ireland.
- Country Report: Malta.
- Country Report: the Netherlands.
- Country Report: Poland.
- Country Report: Romania
- Country Report: Serbia.
- Country Report: Switzerland.
- Country Report: Turquía.
- Country Report: United Kingdom.
AIDA 2020-2021:
- Country Report: Bulgaria.
- Country Report: Francia.
- Country Report: the Netherlands.
- Country Report: Serbia.
- Country Report: España.
- Country Report: United Kingdom.
- Country Report: Bélgica.
- Country Report: Slovenia.
- Country Report: Austria.
- Country Report: Hungary.
- Country Report: Poland.
- Country Report: Chipre.
- Country Report: Sweden.
- Country Report: Ireland.
- Country Report: Romania.
- Country Report: Malta.
- Country Report: Switzerland.
- Country Report: Portugal.
- Country Report: Italia.
- Country Report: Croatia.
- Country Report: Turkey.
- Country Report: Grecia.
AIDA 2021-2022:
- Country Report: Bulgaria.
- Country Report: United Kingdom.
- Country Report: Cyprus.
- Country Report: Alemania.
- Country Report: Bélgium.
- Country Report: Francia.
- Country Report: Netherlands.
- Country Report: Hungary.
- Country Report: Ireland.
- Country Report: Spain.
- Country Report: Switzerland.
- Country Report: Austria.
- Country Report: Croatia.
- Country Report: Serbia.
- Country Report: Malta.
- Country Report: Slovenia.
- Country Report: Portugal.
- Country Report: Poland.
- Country Report: Romania.
- Country Report: Greece.
- Country Report: Sweden.
- Country Report: Türkiye.
AIDA 2023-24:
- Country Report: Bulgaria (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Bulgaria).
- Country Report: Germany (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Germany).
- Country Report: Sweden (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Sweden).
- Country Report: Chyprus (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Chyprus).
- Country Report: Netherlands (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Netherlands).
- Country Report: Hungary (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Hungary).
- Country Report: Spain (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Spain).
- Country Report: Bélgium.
- Country Report: Malta (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Malta).
- Country Report: Austria (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Austria).
- Country Report: France (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in France).
- Country Report: Slovenia (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Slovenia)
- Country Report: Portugal (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Portugal).
- Country Report: Serbia (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Serbia).
- Country Report: Poland (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Poland).
- Country Report: Ireland (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Ireland).
- Country Report: United Kingdom.
- Country Report: Italy (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Italy).
- Country Report: Romania (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Romania).
- Country Report: Switzerland.
- Country Report: Greece (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Greece).
- Country Report: Croacia (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Croacia).
- Country Report: Bélgium (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Belgium).
- Country Report: Türkiye.
- Country Report: Bulgaria,
- Country Report: Chyprus (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Chyprus).
- Country Report: Netherlands (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Netherlands).
- Country Report: United Kingdom – 2023 Update, april 2024.
- Country Report: France (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in France).
- Country Report: Bélgium (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Belgium).
- Country Report: Spain (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Spain).
- Country Report: Irlanda (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Irlanda).
- Country Report: Germany. (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Germany).
- Country Report: Slovenia (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Slovenia).
- Country Report: Poland (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Poland).
- Country Report: Austria (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Austria).
- Country Report: Grecia (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Grecia).
- Country Report: Italia (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Italia).
- Country Report: Suiza (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Suiza).
- Country Report: Portugal (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Portugal).
- Country Report: Croatia (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Croatia).
- Country Report: España (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive en España).
- Country Report: Hungary (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Hungary).
- Country Report: Romania (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Romania).
- Country Report: Türkiye.
- Country Report: Serbia (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Serbia).
- Country Report: Malta (Implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in Malta).
- Refugee rights subsiding?. Europe’s two-tier protection regime and its effect on the rights of beneficiaries.
- Boundaries of Liberty: Asylum and de facto detention in Europe.
- The Dublin system in 2017: Overview of developments from selected European countries.
- AIDA Briefing: Relocation, a view from destination countries.
- Asylum in Europe: the situation of applicants for international protection in 2021.
- AIDA Update: The implementation of the Dublin III Regulation in 2021.
- AIDA.: Comparative Report: Not there yet: Family Reunification for Beneficiaries of International Protection.
- AIDA: Comparative Report: Access to Socio-economic Rights for Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection.
- AIDA.: Briefing. Asylum in Europe.: The situation of applicants for international protection in 2023.
- AIDA.: Temporary Protection Compilation on 2023.
- AIDA.: Country Report on Ukraine.
- ECRE.: Comments Paper: Regulation on Asylum and Migration Management.
- ECRE.: Comments Paper: Regulation establishing a Common Procedure for International Protection in the EU.
- ECRE.: Beyond walls and fences: EU funding used for a complex and digitalised border surveillance system.
- ECRE.: The Guarantees of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in Respect of Legal Counselling, Assistance and Representation in Asylum Procedures.
- ECRE.: Comments Paper: Regulation establishing a Common Procedure for International Protection in the EU.
- ECRE.: Comments on the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council introducing the screening of third-country nationals at the external borders and amending regulations (ec) no 767/2008, (EU) 2017/2226, (EU) 2018/1240 and (EU) 2019/817.
- AIDA.: Comparative Report: Access to Socio-economic Rights for Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection.
- AIDA.: Statistical Update: The Implementation of the Dublin III Regulation in 2023.
- Comments Paper on Schengen Border Code.
- Third anniversary of the full-scale Russian invasion.
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